Ocean Pollution

Ocean Pollution

You may think that our oceans are just fine and aren’t being affected as severely from pollution. You are wrongly mistaken. Here are some facts to back up our claim.

Where it ends in Ocean

All plastic debris entered in ocean, will reach to 5 famous gyres. There are 5 swirling ocean Plastic garbage patches called gyres. Garbage patches generally accumulate far from any country’s coastline, and it is nearly impossible to track the origin of marine debris. The tiny plastic particles that make up most of the patches are also very difficult and expensive to detect and remove.
  1. North Atlantic Gyre Patch
  2. South Atlantic Gyre Patch
  3. Indian Ocean Gyre Patch
  4. North Pacific Gyre Patch
  5. South Pacific Gyre Patch

Great Pacific Garbage Patch

Map of areas in Great Pacific Garbage Patch

Do you know how serious is ocean pollution?

You may think that our oceans are just fine and aren’t being affected as severely from pollution. You are wrongly mistaken. Here are some facts to back up our claim.
>>   There are approximately 5.25 trillions bits and chunks of plastic garbage located all around our oceans.
>>  Also, about 8 million tons of plastic debris are continuously disposed of in
>>  our oceans every year. 269,000 tons was the estimate of floating plastic trash bobbing in the surface of our oceans from a study in 2014.

How bad plastics are polluting our oceans?

An estimated 1.8 trillion pieces of plastic hover dangerously in the ocean waters, equal to 80,000 tons and it keeps growing every year.

Plastic waste kills up to one million seabirds, 100,000 sea mammals, marine turtles and countless fish each year.

What are the top plastic items found in the Oceans

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